Card Validity & Discounts
Useful tips for a comfortable, safe, and pleasant trip! When traveling with "K.T.E.L. HERAKLION - LASSITHI S.A.," please be informed of the following:
The operation of "K.T.E.L. HERAKLION - LASSITHI S.A." is based on the following card types:
Students traveling during the afternoon hours or on Saturdays, along the same route specified on the card, are entitled to a 50% discount. (Valid until the end of the school year).Valid for daily free transportation of students from their residence to their school and back during school hours and days.
Ισχύουν για όλο τον χρόνο και μόνο για τα Ελληνικά Πανεπιστήμια. Παρέχεται έκπτωση 50% για τη διαδρομή από τον τόπο κατοικίας τους προς στην έδρα της σχολής τους και επιστροφή. Αυτό αναγράφεται στην πίσω πλευρά της κάρτας. Για όλες τις άλλες διαδρομές παρέχεται έκπτωση 25%. Για τους πρωτοετείς έως την έκδοση των ηλεκτρονικών καρτών ισχύουν πρόσφατες (τελευταίο δίμηνο) βεβαιώσεις των σχολών.(Μέχρι τη λήξη του διδακτικού έτους)
These are the cards for IEK and Tutorial Centers, valid during the school period. They require a stamp from the tutorial center and from KTEL. A 25% discount is offered for the route specified on the card. They are valid from Monday to Sunday, including holidays. (Valid until the end of the school year).
For students of Public Institutes of Vocational Training (Δ.Ι.Ε.Κ.) under the Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs. A 50% discount is provided for the route from their residence to their school and back, while a 25% discount is available for all other routes. The card requires a stamp from the Δ.Ι.Ε.Κ. and KTEL. (Valid until the end of the school year).
A 50% discount applies to all routes as long as the card is certified. The discount is granted when the disability rate is above 67%. In this case, a certificate from the gov platform is also accepted.
A 50% discount applies to all routes if the card is certified for the current year.
A 25% discount applies to all routes if the card is certified for the current year.
A 15% discount is offered for all army, navy, and air force personnel.
A 50% discount applies to all routes upon presenting the relevant ID. Travel is free only for official purposes with an accompanying official note.
*Children under the age of 6 travel for free. In this case, the parent is required to show a form of identification (health booklet or passport) when issuing or checking tickets.