Terms of use

Owner and operator of this website is the company KTEL HERAKLION-LASITHI S.A.. The company headquarters are located at Port area, Heraklion 71202 Greece. You can contact us at the email address info@ktelherlas.gr or on telephone 2810 246530.

The use of ktelherlas.gr is governed by these terms and conditions (hereinafter "terms"), that users are requested to read carefully and to conform to at each visit and use of ktelherlas.gr. The use of ktelherlas.gr requires and implies full acceptance of these terms, if the user filled in the corresponding field of acceptance, it is presumed the explicit acceptance of the user as well as the legal capacity.

The terms are governed by the provisions of Greek law, in particular from the provisions on consumer protection, electronic commerce, the protection of personal data, the protection of intellectual and industrial property rights, as applicable. KTEL HERAKLION-LASITHI S.A. is entitled to amend the terms at any time without notice, with the obligation to inform this page for any additions or amendments.


Limitation of liability

KTEL HERAKLION-LASITHI S.A. makes every effort to ensure the completeness and validity of information given on the web pages of ktelherlas.gr and the accuracy of the information relating to the services provided with reservation to any technical or typographical or other errors that occur unintentionally.

The website is provided "as is", similarly and the information, names, images, graphics, marks, illustrations, product descriptions and the general content (hereinafter "content") posted. In any case KTEL HERAKLION-LASITHI S.A. shall not be liable for any damages, incidental or consequential, direct or indirect (including, but not limited to loss of profits, data, etc) of third party users, associated with the operation or not or/and the use of ktelherlas.gr, and/or failure to provide services and/or information offered by this and/or any illegal operations of third-parties on the website.

The ktelherlas.gr among other things, may provide hyper-link (link) to websites of third party, which have full control over the content posted on them and therefore the full (civil and criminal) liability for the security of their websites, the legitimacy and validity of the content and services as well as the responsibility for remedying any claim of violation of rights of other people, including intellectual and industrial property rights and so on, explicitly excluding any responsibility of KTEL HERAKLION-LASITHI S.A. for the content of such websites.

Users are obliged to appeal directly to the providers of such websites for any questions or other issues associated with visiting and/or using these.

Users acknowledge that KTEL HERAKLION-LASITHI S.A. is not required, nor may check the safety and the content of the websites and services of third parties. In each case KTEL HERAKLION-LASITHI S.A. reserves the right to remove at any time, in its sole discretion, the site links to third party websites and to cut off the supply of those services. 



KTEL HERAKLION-LASITHI S.A. makes every effort for the smooth operation of ktelherlas.gr and to provide better services to users, without being liable for any failure from users to gain access to it or to undertake execution of individual operational commands, since the ktelherlas.gr functionality can be affected by the equipment (hardware and software) of users, communication networks, the large number of concurrent users or from other causes.

KTEL HERAKLION-LASITHI S.A. is entitled to modify or/and discontinue temporarily or permanently some or all of ktelherlas.gr, without warning, for maintenance or upgrade, or security, or for any other reason it deems necessary, informing the users about the period of downtime and how to contact KTEL HERAKLION-LASITHI S.A.. In each case KTEL HERAKLION-LASITHI S.A. is obliged to safeguard the security of transactions and to make timely and adequate information to the users whose online booking is underway.

Although KTEL HERAKLION-LASITHI S.A. makes every effort to protect the ktelherlas.gr from digital viruses, cannot guarantee that it will not ever be infected by viruses (virus free). Therefore every user must care for his own protection (use antivirus, virus scanner or other protective systems) before using the ktelherlas.gr or the storage of information, software or content on his terminal devices.



KTEL HERAKLION-LASITHI S.A. recognizes the importance of security of online transactions and has taken all necessary measures, with the most modern and advanced methods to ensure maximum safety. All information related to personal user data, guaranteed as confidential.

Be assured that only authorized employees have access to transaction information and only when this is necessary, e.g. for the processing of the booking. Furthermore, KTEL HERAKLION-LASITHI S.A. commits not to disclose customer information and transactions, unless written authorization by them, or if this is required by a court decision or other public authority.

All payments by card are processed through the electronic payment platform "Alpha e-Commerce" of Alpha Bank and uses TLS 1.1 encryption with 128-bit encryption protocol (Secure Sockets Layer-SSL). Encryption is a way of encoding the information until it reaches its recipient, who will be able to decode it using the appropriate key.


Bus ticket cancelation

In case you pay a ticket and you finally won’t go on the trip, the company gives the passenger a refund of 70% of the ticket price (when the cancellation concerns a seat on one of the buses to rural areas and it is done at least 8 hours before the departure time) or a refund of 50% in case of a reservation cancellation within 8 hours before departure time. If you don't come at the station before the departure time, you may not require a refund afterwards. However, the Board of Directors of our company, upon your request, for social reasons and having good faith may refund you partially. This only refers to the company "KTEL HERAKLION-LASITHI S.A." and no other transportation companies, which may apply a different policy.


Privacy Policy

For transactions through ktelherlas.gr the user will be asked to fill in his personal details (such as name, phone, etc.), which will be recorded in a file that will be kept and processed by KTEL HERAKLION-LASITHI S.A., in order to carry out the transactions via ktelherlas.gr.

Recipients of these data for the promotion, support and service for the trading relationship, may be the distributors of KTEL HERAKLION-LASITHI S.A., other partners of KTEL HERAKLION-LASITHI S.A. and any financial institutions through which the settlement of your transactions at your own explicit declaration. KTEL HERAKLION-LASITHI S.A. does not disclose or publish personal data of users other than the above recipients who cooperate with KTEL HERAKLION-LASITHI S.A. with the purpose of promotion, support and implementation of between KTEL HERAKLION-LASITHI S.A. and the user trading relationship, as mentioned above.

KTEL HERAKLION-LASITHI S.A. does not assume, against users, responsibility for any leak of their personal data due to their use, through the pages of ktelherlas.gr. The e-mail contact information that the user indicates in the context of the transaction with the ktelherlas.gr may be used for the direct promotion of similar services or for the provision of information to the user, based on those provided for in law No. 3471/2006. In any case, the user may at any time he wishes to oppose the use of email for display or promote new products and/or services.



KTEL HERAKLION-LASITHI S.A. may use cookies to identify the user. The cookies are small text files that are stored in each user's hard drive, that are not aware of any document or file from your computer and used only to facilitate the user's access to specific services, and for statistical purposes, in order to determine the areas in which the services of ktelherlas.gr are useful or popular or for marketing purposes. The user can configure the server to not receive cookies, either altogether, or separately. In such a case, the user may not have further access to these services. 



The ktelherlas.gr is the official website of KTEL HERAKLION-LASITHI S.A.. The content of the site is property of KTEL HERAKLION-LASITHI S.A. and/or, where applicable, the legitimate beneficiaries, the names, images, logos and trademarks represent the KTEL HERAKLION-LASITHI S.A., the ktelherlas.gr, are registered trademarks of KTEL HERAKLION-LASITHI S.A. and or/and contracted with this third parties, beneficiaries of these and their use is governed by the Greek and EU trademark law for the protection of industrial and intellectual property, on unfair competition and any other relative. In any case the show and their display on the website of ktelherlas.gr should in no way be construed as a transfer or license or right to use them.

Any copying, distribution, transportation, processing, resell, create derivative work or misleading the public about the real beneficiary of the content, trademarks and distinctive signs contained in ktelherlas.gr is prohibited. Any reproduction, republication, uploading, posting, or transmission or any other use of the content in any way or by any means for any commercial or other purposes, apart from the use of ktelherlas.gr for buying or updating of the user for the products and services made available, in accordance with the conditions, is permitted only with prior written permission of KTEL HERAKLION-LASITHI S.A. or of the holder of the corresponding intellectual and industrial property.


Obligations of users

The visitor/user have the responsibility for accessing ktelherlas.gr website services and the access may require paying taxes to third parties (eg internet service providers, charging time in internet). The visitor/user is solely responsible for payment of the relevant fees. Also, the visitor/user is exclusively responsible for his personal equipment with the necessary technological means to access the services of the site ktelherlas.gr.


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